
Tuesday, 18 August 2015


PAN - Online Verification
By using the PAN Verification facility, one can know/verify the Permanent Account Number (PAN). This facility is refered to as "PAN Verification" or "Know Your PAN". This facility can be accessed from

This facility can be used to verify the PAN of individuals as well as non-individual PAN holders like firm, company, etc. To verify the PAN one has to provide basic details of the PAN holder which cover Date of Birth/Date of Incorporation of the PAN holder and surname, middle name and first name of the PAN holder.
After providing the details in the system, the verification code appearing on the screen is to be entered and then the request is to be submitting by clicking on "Submit". On clicking "Submit" the PAN verification request will be submitted. If the details provided in the system are correct and match with the database of the Income-tax Department, the Permanent Account Number linked with the respective details will be displayed along with the name and jurisdiction of the PAN holder. The status of the PAN, i.e., whether active or not will also be displayed.

Using the above discussed facility one PAN can be verified at a time. The bulk PAN verification facility can be used by Government and non-Government entities who wish to verify multiple PANs. To use the facility of "Bulk PAN Verification" one has to get himself registered as "Bulk PAN Verification User". Check the following link for registering as a "Bulk PAN Verification User" :
After getting registered as a "Bulk PAN Verification User", the user can carry on verification of multiple PANs by uploading the bulk PAN verification query.

Service Tax and Central Excise registration- Online Verification
The facility enables the Assessee to view its details (name, address, location code) as present in the Assessee Master provided by CBEC. Details of Assessee codes allotted for Service Tax and Central Excise can be viewed using this facility.

Friday, 14 August 2015


Process of applying for Industrial License (IL) and Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum (IEM) has been made online and this service is now available to entrepreneurs on 24×7 bases at the eBiz website. This had led to ease of filing applications and online payment of service charges.

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Extension of E.S.I. Scheme to Construction Site Workers

ESI Scheme has been extended to the construction site workers deployed in the implemented areas. In a partial modification in Instruction No. 4/99 vide a circular No. P-12(1l)- 1l/27/99-Ins.IV dated 14.06.1999 the implementation will  be  effective w.e. f. 01.08.2015.
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